Program Thematic Areas

Tackling Urban Challenges Head-On: Solutions for a Vibrant, Inclusive Cities

Public Safety

Public Safety

In the realm of public safety, our focus is on pioneering new approaches to ensure communities are resilient in the face of various challenges. We advocate for and support startups and initiatives that are dedicated to finding innovative solutions to enhance safety and security for all residents. From leveraging advanced technology to community engagement strategies, we strive to create environments where everyone feels protected and empowered.

Climate Action

Climate Action

Climate change poses one of the most significant threats to our cities and communities. Therefore, our efforts are dedicated to combatting this challenge head-on. We support initiatives that concentrate on climate action, including promoting renewable energy sources, implementing sustainable practices, and leveraging technological solutions. By fostering a culture of environmental consciousness and action, we aim to create a more sustainable future for generations to come.

Water and Sanitation

Water and Sanitation

Access to clean water and sanitation is a fundamental human right, yet many communities still lack these basic necessities. In our commitment to driving change, we prioritize initiatives that focus on ensuring accessible and sustainable water management practices. By supporting innovative solutions and advocating for policy changes, we work towards creating a world where everyone has access to safe and clean water, thereby improving health outcomes and promoting overall well-being.

City Planning

City Planning

City planning plays a crucial role in shaping the future of our urban environments. We advocate for smart, inclusive, and resilient urban landscapes that prioritize the well-being of all residents. Through innovative urban planning strategies, we're building cities that are equitable, sustainable, and adaptable to future challenges.

City Welfare

City Welfare

Ensuring the well-being of all city dwellers is at the core of our mission. We support comprehensive welfare programs that address the diverse needs of urban populations, including housing, healthcare, education, and social services. By supporting grassroots initiatives and advocating for inclusive policies, we strive to create cities where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and lead fulfilling lives.

Youth and Children

Youth and Children

Investing in the well-being and development of youth and children is essential for building a thriving society. We support initiatives that provide educational opportunities, healthcare services, and recreational activities for young people. By nurturing the potential of our future leaders, we aim to create cities that are vibrant, inclusive, and resilient.

Urban Public Transport

Urban Public Transport

Efficient and accessible public transportation is vital for ensuring mobility and connectivity within cities. We advocate for initiatives that focus on revolutionizing urban commuting, making it more convenient, affordable, and sustainable. By investing in innovative transportation solutions and advocating for robust public transit systems, we aim to create cities where getting from point A to point B is a seamless experience for all residents.

Sustainable Infrastructure

Sustainable Infrastructure

As cities continue to grow, it is imperative that we prioritize the development of sustainable infrastructure. We support initiatives that focus on building eco-friendly and resilient structures that can withstand the challenges of the future, such as climate change and population growth. By embracing sustainable building practices, we're creating cities that are both environmentally conscious and resilient to future challenges.

Who Can Apply

Eligibility Criteria

Your organisation must be a for-profit social enterprise.

You must be addressing a critical urban development challenge with a focus on improving the quality of life for citizens.

Your organisation should be post-revenue, indicating that it has already started generating revenue from its operations.

Your organisation must have been operational for at least 1 year and no more than 7 years at the time of application.

The Selection Process

Application Form

Application Form

Organisations interested in the City Champions program will be required to fill an application form.

First Round of Screening

First Round of Screening

An expert panel of jury members screens and shortlists 40 organisations based on a systematic scoring system.

Final Shortlisting

Final Shortlisting

A committee from IIM Calcutta Innovation Park and Josh Talks, further shortlist 16 organisations moving forward to the accelerator program.

Accelerator Program

Accelerator Program

Top 16 organisations under-go an intensive 12-week capacity building program conducted by IIM-Calcutta Innovation Park, culminating in a demo day to pitch to a panel of investors and experts.

Award Ceremony

Award Ceremony

High-performing and high-potential organisations are recognised at the award ceremony. Government stakeholders, investors, media, and civic society representatives are to be present. The ceremony will be tentatively held in October 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is this award for individuals or for organisations or both?

    These awards are only for organisations.

  • When do applications open?

  • Can I nominate an organisation I know?

  • What if I want to apply for more than one thematic areas?

  • When will the final winners be announced?

  • Is the accelerator virtual or in person?

  • How does mentoring work for organisations, and what kind of help can they expect?